The Place for Local and Family History
on the Western Australian Goldfields

Paynesville > Paynesville

Western Australia


Latitude 28° 01' S Longitude 118° 30' E

An abandoned goldfields townsite, Paynesville is located 646 km north east of Perth and 77 km east of Mount Magnet. Gold was discovered in this area in early 1898 by Tom Payne and Waldeck, and by April 1898 the place had been inspected by a surveyor and a plan of subdivision prepared. It was at first referred to as "Paynton", and East Mount Magnet, and some records record the locality as "Fords" after another prospector.

By April 1899 local prospectors were using the name Paynesville, and it was with this name that the townsite was gazetted in 1900. It is believed to be named after Tom Payne. The railway from Mount Magnet to Black Range, passing through Paynesville, was opened in 1910.


Paynesville Map-1.jpg (62420 bytes)

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