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on the Western Australian Goldfields

Leonora > Leonora Cemetery NAI - OSB

Leonora Cemetery Western Australia

LEGEND: b = Buried, d = Died, Occ = Occupation, Mt Margaret = Mount Margaret, Reg = Registration.
RC = Roman Catholic, ANG = Anglican or Church of England, METH = Methodist/Wesleyan,
PRES = Presbyterian,
WA = Western Australia, NSW = New South Wales, VIC = Victoria, QLD = Queensland, SA = South Australia. TAS = Tasmania, NT = Northern Territory.

Note: The person registering the death is only listed if it was someone other than the police or an undertaker.

Elizabeth NAIRN

NAIRN Elizabeth — 68yrs, d 21 Jan 1948, at the Shamrock Hotel Mt Sir Samuel, Occ: Home Duties, Cause: Carcinoma of transverse colon, Father: Thomas RANKIN, Mother: Ann SWIFT, Born: Fremantle WA, Married three times, 1st to Thomas ALLAN in Fremantle WA in 1896, 2nd to Thomas CALLAHAN in Lawlers WA in 1912, 3rd to Edward NAIRN in Perth WA in 1926, Children: all from 1st marr, Eveline Jane 50yrs, Marjorie Ann 49yrs, Charles Thomas 47yrs,  Reg Mt Margaret 2/1948, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NARRIER Angelina — 76yrs, b 18 Oct 2008, Born: Leonora WA, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NATION Lavington Ronald 8 days, d 18 Jul 1927, at Leonora Hospital, Cause: Pyloric stricture, exhaustion, Father: Arthur Lavington NATION (Railway Employee), Mother: Alice Ruth COMMONS, Alice and Arthur only just got married in 1927 in Leonora, (Arthur died on the 8 Dec 1927 in Boulder WA), Reg 9/1927 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

Kenneth M NEILL

NEILL Kenneth Murray 24yrs, d 12 Apr 1956, Father: Edward K NEILL, Mother: Laurel D S NEILL, Reg 53/1956 East Coolgardie (Kalgoorlie), Buried Leonora Cemetery.


Daniel John Nelligan was a single man working on the Sons of Gwalia mine.  He met (not sure how) a Mary Elizabeth O'Donohue from Mount Malcolm.  They married in the Mechanics Institute at Malcolm in 1900 and set up home in Gwalia. We know very little about these years. Their 1st son William Nelligan was born in 1902 and died 5 weeks later. We believe he died from Dysentery. A second child called Monica Mary born in 1904 with another son Daniel Junior in 1906.  Sometime circa 1910 a large storm destroyed the Catholic Church at Gwalia and Daniel being a good Irishman took it a upon himself to arrange for the church to be rebuilt.  By 1913 the family had left Gwalia and had shifted to Beermullah near Gingin.  Shortly afterwards Daniel Snr received a scroll of appreciation from the Pope, Pius 10th, at the Vatican. The Leahy family still has the original scroll - From Mark Leahy.

NELLIGAN William John — 5 ½wks, d 9 Nov 1902, at Gwalia, Leonora, Cause: Debility and Diarrhoea, Father: Daniel John NELLIGAN (Miner), Mother: Mary Elizabeth DONOHUE, Born Gwalia, Reg 65/1902 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Audrey Jean — 59yrs, b 29 May 2020, at Leonora WA, METH, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Doris — 51yrs, d 28 Sep 1972, at White Cliffs Leonora, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Edward 27 Jan 1973, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Elsie 63yrs, d 10 Jun 1978, at Leonora, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.


NELSON / NILSON Eric/Erick Joseph Bernard 43yrs, d 9 Jul 1939, at residence of deceased Tower St, Leonora, Cause: Influenza, Broncho Pneumonia, Father: Eric William NELSON, Mother: Ada LARSON, Born: North Fremantle WA, Married to Millicent Daisy Bell KELLY at age 26yrs in Carnarvon WA, no children, Reg Mt Margaret 17/1939, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Gilpie 52yrs, d 22 Nov 1970, at Leonora, Born: Laverton WA, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Ivy 48yrs, d 5 Dec 1977, at Menzies, Born: Laverton WA, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Mary 90yrs, d 22 Aug 1989, at Leonora, Born: Warburton WA, METH, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Peter 15yrs, d 20 Jan 1982, Born: Cosmo Newbery, METH, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Raymond — 11mths, d 6 Sep 1947, at Leonora Hospital, Cause: Gastro Enteritis, Father: Toobooro NELSON, Mother: Noah NOOK, Born: Mt Margaret Mission, WA, Reg 18/1947 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Shannon - b 11 Oct 2024, 44yrs, METH,  Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON unnamed female — 2 days, d 8 May 1957, at Leonora Hospital, Cause: Respiratory Failure, Prematurity, Father: Loomie NELSON (Station Hand), Mother Elsie, Reg 5/1957 Mt Margaret, Aboriginal Section, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Verna — 5yrs, d 13 Aug 1960, at Leonora Hospital, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: Gilbert Kilby NELSON (Station Hand), Mother: Ivy Yoongootooroo NELSON, Reg 16/1960 Mt Margaret, Aboriginal Section, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NELSON Yimundura Noomiddie 73yrs, d 10 Mar 1978, Born: Warburton WA, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NESA Patrizio — 52yrs, d 14 Aug 1958, at his residence in Gwalia, Occ: Labourer, Cause: Asphyxia due to ingestion of large quantity of fluid into the lungs, Verdict of the Coroner after postmortem, Mother: Madalena MISOTTI, Born: Montagno, Italy, Single, Reg 17/1958 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NESTER Patrick 51yrs, d 30 Oct 1912, at Leonora Hospital, Occ: Carter, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: Michael NESTER (Farmer), Mother: Bridget QUINN, Born VIC, In VIC 30yrs, In WA 17yrs, Reg 37/1912 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery. 

NEVILL Mary Teresa 39yrs, d 30 Jan 1914, at Leonora Hospital, Married woman, Cause: Placenta previa, Rupture of uterus, Father: James HARDY (Miner), Mother: Elizabeth GALLAGHER, Married to James William NEVILL in Menzies WA at age 23yrs, Children: Thomas James 15yrs, deceased 3 males and 5 females, Reg Mt Margaret 3/1914, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery. —

NEVILL unnamed male d 10 Aug 1911, at Tower Street, Leonora, Cause: Stillborn due to Fibroid Tumour of Uterus on mother, Premature, Father: James William NEVILL (Carter), Mother: Mary Teresa HARDY, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NEVILLE Kathleen 1 day, d 29 Aug 1904, at Leonora, Cause: Premature Birth, Father: James William NEVILLE (Draper), Mother: Mary Teresa HARDY, Reg 38/1904 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NEVILLE unnamed female d 28 Nov 1901, Cause: Stillborn, at Tower St, Leonora, Father: James William NEVILLE (Clerk), Mother: Mary Teresa HARDY, Reg 55/1901 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NEWMAN Badanu (David) — 22yrs, b 23 Aug 2013, born Papua New Guinea, Meth, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NEWMAN Clifford Charles Alexander — 73yrs, b 8 Oct 1971, at Leonora, Born: Hawthorn, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NEWMAN Gloria — 65yrs, b 8 Sep 2017, Born: Wiluna WA, METH, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NEWSHAM Thomas — 75yrs, d 20 Feb 1955, at his residence at Gwalia, Cause: Coronary Occlusion, Hypertension, Senility, Father: William NEWSHAM (Butcher), Mother: Sarah Ann MADDOCKS, Single, Born: Prescot, England, Reg 6/1955 Mt Margaret, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NGARINGA Mary 70yrs, b 30 Dec 1966, at Laverton, Born: Warburton WA, Reg 2/1967 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NICHOLAS George — 59yrs, d 21 May 1904, at Leonora Hospital, Occ: Restaurant Keeper, Cause: Pneumonia and Heart Failure, Born: Athens, In QLD and NSW 18yrs, In WA 10yrs, Married to Janet GARDINER in Brisbane QLD at age 44yrs, Children: Ethel May 19yrs, Olive 15yrs, Reg, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery. (Registered as Nicholas GEORGE)

NIGOO Noo — 15yrs, d 25 Dec 1948, at Leonora Hospital, Cause: Pneumonia, Born: Warburton Ranges WA, Reg 1/1949 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NIKELLYS/NIKELIS Annie  38yrs, d 18 Aug 1934, at Leonora Hospital, Housewife, Cause: Broncho Pneumonia, Father: John BROWN (Farmer), Mother: Annie MCDONALD, Born: Creath, Scotland, In WA 20yrs, Married to Peter NIKELLYS in Perth WA at age 16yrs, Children: Socrates b 1916, Athena b 1918, John b 1915, 1 female and 1 male deceased, Reg 30/1934 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NIXON Johnny Bernard — b 15 Dec 2006, METH, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NIXON Nobby — 77yrs, b 31 Jul 1993, Born: Leonora WA, METH, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NIXON Tomothy — 40yrs, b 14 Mar 2003, METH, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NOOGOODIE Charlie — 75yrs, b 31 Oct 1978, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NOOLOOL Lady — 74yrs, d 16 Mar 1961, at Leonora Hospital, Cause: Broncho Pneumonia, Cerebral Thrombosis, Born: Burtville WA, Single, Reg 6/1961 Mt Margaret, Aboriginal Section, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NOOMBIE Samuel 49yrs, b 3 Feb 1969, at Laverton Reserve, Born: Warburton WA, Reg 2/1969 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NORMAN Linda 49yrs, at Leonora, Born: Mulga Queen WA, PRES, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NORMINGTON Charles Hedly — 1yr, d 12 May 1931, on the Leonora to Malcolm Road, Cause: Teething and convulsions, Father: Hedley NORMINGTON (Railway Repairer), Mother: Eileen Mary O’DEA, Born Kalgoorlie WA, Reg 6/1931 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NOTLEY Francis 49yrs, d 28 Jan 1908, Occ: Plumber, at Leonora Hospital, Cause: on the 26 Jan 1908 he was injured when a sulky overturned on the road between the town and the Tower Hill Mine, the wheel passed over him. He had a brother in Albany, H Notley, in the Water Police, Born: Arrarat VIC, Reg 10/1908 Mt Margaret, METH, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NUNGAL Ned — 60yrs, d 17 Jun 1947, at Melrose Station, Darlot, Occ: Station Hand, Cause: Arteriosclerosis, Verdict of the Coroner after post-mortem, Born WA, Reg 10/1947 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NUNGI Nina — 90yrs, b 22 Sep 1988, at Leonora, Born: Warburton Ranges WA, METH, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

NURINGA Biddy — 45yrs, d 1 Oct 1943, at Leonora Hospital, Cause: Carcinoma of the pelvic colon, Reg 20/1943 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

Hiram NYE

NYE Hiram Henry ‘Harry’ 79yrs, d 13 Apr 1949, at Leonora Hospital, Old Age Pensioner, Cause: Senility, Arteriosclerosis, Father: Hiram F NYE (Carpenter), Mother: Margaret DUGGAN, Born: Baffle Creek QLD in 1878, In QLD 1yr, In VIC 25yrs, In WA 53yrs, Married twice, 1st to Clara Rosene STRAUBE in Malcolm WA in 1909, 2nd to Joanna ‘Jo’ Francis O’BRIEN in Lawlers WA at age 50yrs in 1922, Children 1st marr: Violet Elsie, Clara Mary 43yrs, Arthur Henry 41yrs, Sophia Selma 38yrs, Grace Evelyn, deceased 2 females, 2nd marr: Lorraine Frances 26yrs, William Terrence Hiram 26yrs, Peter Louis 23yrs, Paul Joseph 23yrs, Patricia Mary 21yrs, Reg Mt Margaret 9/1949, Born: Queensland, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

OBRIEN Joshua G —1mth, b 17 Oct 1996, Born Kalgoorlie WA, BAPT, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

Kathilean M OBRIEN

OBRIEN Kathilean Mar — 7 ½mths, d 1 Nov 1908, at Gold Blocks, Leonora, Cause: Acute Colitis, Father: George Celestine OBRIEN (Miner), Mother: Katherine KEARNS, Reg 56/1908 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

OBRIEN Mary Ann — 79yrs, d 19 Oct 1916, at Leonora Hospital, Married woman, Cause: Senile decay, Reg 27/1916 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

Sarah Rose Ann O'BRYAN - Photo

OBRYAN Sarah Rose Ann — 45yrs, d 20 Sep 1919, at Temporary Isolation Hospital, State Hotel Gwalia, Housewife Cause: Influenza, Pneumonia, Heart Failure, Father: Thomas GALLOWAY (Grazier), Born NSW, In NSW 29yrs, In VIC 2yrs, In WA 14yrs, Married to Michael Joseph OBRYAN in Wilcania NSW at age 17yrs, Children: William Lenny Joseph 24yrs, Martha Elizabeth 20yrs, Mary Ann 17yrs, George Joseph 13yrs, Deceased 3 males and 1 female, Reg 27/1919 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

OCONNOR Annie 3hrs, d 17 Jan 1909, at Sons of Gwalia Lease, Gwalia, Cause: White Asphyxia, Father: John OCONNOR (Miner), Mother: Annie MCMAHON, Reg 4/1909 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

OCONNOR Mary Ann 66yrs, d 25 May 1926, at Leonora Hospital, Widow, Cause: Cardiac Degeneration, Born: Claremont WA, Reg 7/1926 Mt Margaret, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

Michael P O'CONNOR

OCONNOR Michael Peter 52yrs, d 29 Dec 1929, at Leonora Hospital, Occ: Shop Assistant/Invalid Pensioner, Cause: Alcoholic poisoning, Coma and Heart Failure, Father: Fenton OCONNOR (Carpenter), Mother: Honora DUHIGG, Born Bendigo VIC, In VIC 27yrs, In WA 25yrs, Reg 3/1930 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery. (Newspaper incorrectly have his age at 69yrs).

ODONNELL Caroline Esther 47yrs, d 2 Sep 1918, Leonora Hospital, Occ: Housewife, Cause: Intestinal obstruction, Father: Thomas MOORE (Police Sergeant, Victoria), Mother: Mary Chapman, Born Melbourne, Victoria, In VIC 36yrs, In WA 11yrs, Married to John ODONNELL in Malcolm WA at age 40yrs in 1910, Reg 22/1918 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

ODONNELL Patrick b 3 Feb 1900, Reg Mt Margaret 1295/1900, Transferred from King of the Hills Cemetery 1999, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

ODONOGHUE Mary Ann 1yr, d 19 Jan 1906, at Stauton’s Hotel, Leonora, Cause: Enteritis, Father: John O’DONOGHUE (Prospector), Mother: Annie Mary WILSON, Born Sunset Lease, Malcolm, WA, Reg 16/1906 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

OFARRELL Francis Cristi — 71yrs, d 5 Dec 1935, at Leonora Hospital, Occ: Gardener, Cause: Cardiac Valvular disease, Bronchitis, Father: John OFARRELL (Miner), Mother: Ellen OLEARY, Born: Glen Cullen, Dublin, Ireland, In WA 40yrs, Single, Reg 1/1936 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

OFARRELL Patrick Joseph — 60yrs, d 31 Jan 1935, at Leonora Hospital, Occ: Contractor, Cause, Stroke, Cerebral Haemorrhage, heart failure, Father: John OFARRELL (Farmer), Mother: Ellen OLEARY, Born: Glencullen, Ireland, in WA 35yrs, Married to Eileen SMITH in North Fremantle WA at age 36yrs, Children: Lucy Agnes 24yrs, Patrick John 19yrs, Reg 8/1935 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

OKAMATO Jenshiro — 47yrs, d 21 May 1922, at Leonora Hospital, Occ: Laundryman, Cause: Gastric ulcer, born Nishimura, Japan, In WA 23yrs, Reg 8/1922 Mt Margaret, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

OKEEFE Albert 78yrs, d 29 Jan 1954, at his residence in Gwalia, Occ: Retired Labourer, Widower, Cause: Coronary Occlusion, Hypertension. Senility, Father: Thomas OKEEFE (Farmer), Mother: Fanny MIDDLETON, Born: East Brook Glenalbyn, VIC, Married in Perth WA, 1 child, Ronald, Reg 5/1954 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

OLOUGHLIN Ellen — 4yrs, d 21 Mar 1951, at Mr O’Loughlin’s Residence Laverton, Cause: Early Pneumonia, Verdict of the Coroner after post mortem, Born: Mt Margaret Mission, Morgans, WA, Father: Frank OLOUGHLIN, Mother: Doreen MURRAY, Reg 12/1951 Mt Margaret, Aboriginal Section, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

OLOUGHLIN unnamed female — d 4 Sep 1962, Cause: Stillborn, Father: Frank OLOUGHLIN, Mother: Doreen MURRAY, Reg 22/1962 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

Michelle 'Mick' OMODEI

OMODEI Michele 'Mick' — 48yrs, d 30 Jun 1942, at Leonora Hospital, Occ: Miner, Cause: Lobar Pneumonia, Born: Italy, Reg Mt Margaret 15/1942, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

ONEIL Henry 68yrs, d 9 Mar 1953, at Leonora Hospital, Cause: Broncho Pneumonia, Silicosis, Father: Patrick ONEIL, Mother: Kate FARRELL, Married to Margaret KAVANAUGH, Children: Leonard Patrick 28yrs, Michael Henry 35yrs, Francis John 31yrs, 1 female deceased, Reg Mt Margaret 1/1953, at Leonora, Born: Ireland, RC Buried Leonora Cemetery.

ONEIL Margaret 51yrs, d 30 Mar 1937, at Gwalia St., Leonora, Occ: Household Duties, Cause: Cardiac Disease, Coronary Embolism, Father: Patrick KAVANAGH, Mother: Elizabeth CUNNINGHAM, Born: Kirkstall VIC, R In VIC 21yrs, In WA 30yrs, Married to Henry ONEIL in Boulder WA at age 29yrs, Children: Leonard Patrick 21yrs, Francis John 15yrs, 1 male and 1 female deceased, Reg Mt Margaret 10/1937, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

ONEIL Michael — 75yrs, d 13 Jul 1917, ¼ mile Northwest of Leonora Town, Occ: Old Age Pensioner, Natural Causes, Old Age, Born Ireland, In WA for 20yrs, Reg 21/1917 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

Michael H ONEILL

ONEILL Michael Henry 11yrs, d 3 Jan 1930, at Leonora Hospital, Student, Cause: Shock from rupture of spleen and internal haemorrhage during a fall from a cart about 2 miles from Leonora, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Henry ONEIL (Miner), Mother: Margaret KAVANAGH, Born Leonora WA, Reg 4/1930 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

ONEIL unnamed female —, 5hrs, d 9 Mar 1917, at Gwalia Street, Leonora, Cause: Premature Birth, Father: Henry ONEIL (Miner), Mother: Margaret KAVANAGH, Reg 7/1917 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.

Patrick ONEILL

Patrick O'NEIL

ONEILL Patrick — 26yrs, d 2 Dec 1906, at Leonora Hospital, Occ: Miner, Cause: Crushed by a fall of a large quartz rock at the Zangbar GM, Darlot, Ruptured Gut & Peritonitis, Born Ireland, Reg 12/1907 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.  Mine Death:

ORR William 28yrs, b 19 Sep 1911, Reg Mt Margaret 46/1911, at Leonora, Born: Melbourne VIC, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.



OSBORNE William 28yrs, d 17 Sep 1911, at Leonora Hospital, Occ: Carter, Cause: Intestinal obstruction and shock, Father: John OSBORNE (Deceased), Mother: Margaret SUTHERLAND, Born Melbourne VIC, In VIC 20yrs, In WA 8yrs, Married to Cecilia Nora RYAN in Leonora WA at age 26yrs, Children: William George Officer 1yr, Reg Mt Marg death cert 46/1911, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery

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